Astro-Adventures No.8

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  1. ASTRO-ADVENTURES 8 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on a 11 x 14 size coquille board. It appears on the cover of, "Astro-Adventures No.8," published and edited by Robert Price under his "Cryptic Publications" imprint.

    I decided to do this cover drawing as a sort of tribute to Edgar Rice Burroughs. Although he is mostly known for creating "'Tarzan," he is also famous for writing the scientific romances of; "Carter of Mars" and "Carson of Venus," that first appeared in the pulp magazines of the 1930s and 1940s. Those interplanetary tales helped make popular what was becoming a new branch of literature, Science Fiction".

    Burroughs' stories were very popular among the general public, and especially among the young readers of pulp magazines. Though his work has never been taken seriously by literary critics he is one of the authors of that period in our history who had a huge and positive influence on the youth of this country. Perhaps that is why critics have dismissed him, his work appeals to "juveniles".

    But I have enjoyed reading Burroughs' books just as I have enjoyed reading Heinlein's juvenile novels, they are worth reading at any age. The fact that they are still being reprinted today is proof of how good they are, and I believe they will continue to be reprinted for a long time to come.

    Any adult who likes to read, (and if you don't you have not actually fully "matured"), ought to have an appreciation for books written to excite the imagination, and it doesn't matter in what generation the book was written, or in what category of literature it appears.

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